Regular energy assistance is a once a year benefit.
Apply for energy assistance online in wisconsin.
Now that temperatures have cooled into the 30s everywhere you can apply for energy assistance.
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This program helps to subsidize the heating costs of low income families by making one time payments to their heating and other utility accounts with their respective vendors.
For more information on the wisconsin home energy assistance program wheap and how to apply please call 1 866 heatwis 432 8947 or visit the where to apply tab on www homeenergyplus wi gov to find your local energy assistance agency.
A paper application can be found here to review or filled out and mailed if you do not want to fill this out online.
How to apply for energy assistance in wisconsin this winter.
This application is for regular energy assistance and weatherization benefits only.
The wisconsin weatherization assistance program wiswap uses energy conservation techniques to reduce the cost of home energy.
Download an application from the wheap website or get one from your local agency.
There is no online application system for wheap energy assistance.
The wisconsin liheap program is a federally sponsored program that provides energy assistance to low income wisconsin households.
If you meet the energy assistance eligibility guidelines you may also qualify for assistance in caulking weather stripping and insulation.
Fill out and submit the application and required.
For more information about applying for energy or weatherization assistance contact the agency in your county or the wisconsin home energy plus program at 866 432 8947 866 heat wis.
Check the where to apply archives.
If you have trouble accessing this page require this information in an alternative format or wish to request a reasonable accommodation because of a disability contact the home energy plus help desk at heat wisconsin gov or 608 267 3680.
The wisconsin home energy plus website has location and contact information for each county and tribe application center the website also has a checklist that lists documentation requirements.