The price of pink diamonds has been steadily increasing month after month and specialists see no end to this trend.
Are yellow diamonds more expensive than pink.
The simple answer to this question is that yellow diamonds are more expensive because the stone is more rare compared to the clear diamond however with most things in life there is never a simple answer to a good question.
However yellow is considered one of the most affordable of all the diamond colors and for that reason many people are attracted to it.
Rarer colors such as blue red and pink diamonds are also in high demand but because they are much harder to find in nature they are far more expensive than colors like yellow and brown.
The value of a white diamond of high grade stands at barely 10 000 dollars which means pink diamonds are three times or at least twice more valuable than clear white diamonds.
As explained above the bottom yellow diamonds are also the bottom colorless diamonds so a diamond with a lighter yellow coloring such as fancy yellow will be less expensive than a colorless diamond of the same quality.
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Though colored diamonds can be rather expensive as a result of their rarity yellow diamonds can be quite affordable and sometimes cost less than a colorless diamond of the same quality.
Mid range pricing intense and vivid yellow diamonds and orange diamonds.
Some diamonds can be altered or enhanced to appear yellow or pink and when altered are less valuable than naturally colored diamonds.